How a Vegan Diet Can Help You Lose Weight

On average, vegans appear to have a lower body mass index (BMI) and a lower body fat percentage than meat eaters, with vegans having a body weight that is typically between 3-20% lower than omnivores (1). It has been found that there is a higher prevalence of overweight and obese individuals among omnivores compared to vegetarians and vegans (2).

Research shows that by embracing a vegan diet it could be the most effective way to lose weight, and this is supported by a number of individual studies; one highlighting people who followed a vegan diet for 18 weeks lost 4.3 kg, whereas those who made no dietary change only lost 0.08 kg (3). A recent analysis of 12 trials, involving a total of 1151 participants and average trial duration of 18 weeks, concluded that vegans lost a total of 2.52 kg more than non-vegetarian dieters (4).

What makes a Vegan Diet Effective for Weight Loss?

There are several reasons why a vegan diet can aid weight control. Primarily, a vegan diet is very fibre rich due to the volume and high consumption of grains, fruits and vegetables. This high fibre content can help to sustain energy levels and suppress appetite over a number of hours.

Vegan diets also tend to be lower in total fats and especially saturated fat than omnivore diets. Fat contains more than double the amount of calories per gram than carbohydrates and protein, meaning that a vegan diet can also be lower in calories. A further reason for vegan diets being lower in calories is that many plant foods such as fruit and vegetables contain a high water volume. This means that vegans can generally eat the same or larger portion sizes but be consuming fewer calories and are more likely to feel completely satiated by the end of the meal.

It is, however, important to remember that 'turning' vegan does not automatically guarantee that anyone will necessarily lose weight- there is only one proven method of losing weight, and that is to consume fewer calories than you expend. Someone consuming a vegan diet based on refined carbohydrates and lots of processed foods can expect to gain weight. To successfully manage weight within a vegan diet, there should be a high consumption of wholefoods including grains, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, with minimal processed foods (even if they are technically vegan!)

Tips for Successful Weight Loss on a Vegan Diet:

  • Increase the intake of fruit and vegetables by including these in every meal.
  • Make sure to eat plenty of protein rich foods such as beans, lentils, nuts, quinoa and tofu.
  • Prepare healthy homemade meals instead of purchasing ready-made meals.
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day, at least 1.5ltr per day.
  • Eat a variety of different plant foods- don't just eat the same foods every day.
  • Choose wholegrains rather than refined (white) grains.