Not Losing Weight?

Are you trying hard to lose weight but getting little or no results? There could be a number of reasons why you aren't reaching your weight loss goals. Here is a list of possible explanations as to why you aren't losing weight.

You're eating too many calories...

This is the most obvious yet most common reason for having trouble losing weight. Maybe you have been assigned a calorie intake too high for you and your lifestyle; you can easily check how many calories per day you require by using our calorie calculator.

You may also be underestimating your calorie intake by not measuring/weighing your food. So, try to closely track your calories for a while by being more precise in measuring out your food portions, and see if this makes a difference.

You're drinking your calories...

People don't often think about drinks having calories and may not even consider including them within their daily calorie allowance. Sugary beverages such as sodas are some of the most fattening items anyone can consume. Another problem is alcohol, containing 7 calories per gram with some alcoholic drinks also being very high in sugar. The issue is that we rarely take such drinks into account or at least adequately compensate for the calories they contain by eating less food; drinks do tend to get overlooked but, surprisingly, could add up to several hundred extra calories on top of your overall daily calorie count!

Try drinking water and herbal teas instead of drinks containing higher calories. Even a small glass of fruit juice or fruit juice diluted with water once in a while is reasonable and not unhealthy.

You're using too much oil...

Occasional cooking with oils is fine, and indeed there are many benefits to consuming oils such as coconut oil and olive oil. However, it is important to remember, particularly when looking to reduce weight, that oil contains an extremely high amount of calories; just 1tsp of oil contains 40 calories!

Be mindful when using oil to always measure the amount you are using whilst dieting. Alternatively, water can be used in the place of oil, which is perfect when stir frying vegetables.

You're not sleeping well...

Getting enough sleep is a really important factor in weight management. Many studies have linked obesity to poor sleep. Sleep deprivation can invariably interfere with a number of important hormones in the body that are responsible for energy release and hunger signals, so keep this in mind.

Aim to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night to ensure your body is completely recharged and functioning optimally.

You're exercising too much and eating too few calories...

Although a fact, the reason for this to occur is not well understood; sometimes an excessive exercise regime on a low calorie diet can deliver less than adequate results in both in terms of weight loss and reducing body fat percentage. So ensure that you are eating enough calories for the amount of physical activity you are undertaking; starving your body is not a sensible way to lose weight. Check out our calorie calculator to work out how many calories you should be consuming.

You have a medical condition that is making things harder...

There are a number of medical conditions that unfortunately can encourage weight gain or prevent weight loss. For example, insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome makes the body more inclined to store the calories consumed rather than burn them as fuel. Also, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism both have the potential to affect body weight.

If you believe that a health condition may be affecting your weight management, you should consult your GP.